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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blue Eyes, vol. 1

By Tohru Nishimaki
Released in the US by Icarus Publishing

Slugline: Never have I been impressed by so little.

Note that Blue Eyes is a PORN title and makes no apologies for that.

Blue Eyes
is a strange porn title. In that there are actually characters, which most porn stories usually don' bother with, but they are curiously flat. And there is the fetish for big breasted women in the volume, but if you look at the cover art (as seen below), the fact that the women featured are in dire need for breast reduction surgery is minimized. But most shockingly all of the women in the volume are engaging in the porn of their own free will and volition. What has the world (or more specifically Japan) come to? It is the face that there is a continuing story, the setup of a romantic triangle, these are all things that I suspect would not be out of place for most of the risque romance novels, but here, in manga, it is different and new. Which is why I gave it the slugline I did. If you want some plot and rationale for your sex, this has it, and so despite the characterization being a little flat, and the characters themselves not triple-jointed like they are in many other titles, this a solid, uninspired read.

Blue Eyes, vol. 1 is also available from Right Stuf, Intl., an online retailer specializing in manga and anime.
