Published in the U.S. by Icarus Comics
Slugline: Look, it's a porn manga where the characters like each other! How bizarre!
Council of Carnality Unlimited is an odd bird among porn manga. The people who have the sex for the most part actually like each other. Heck, one couple even uses the l-o-v-e word and admits the sex afterwards is they best they ever had. Obviously this was created some sick deviant. There is an attempt at a plot, more like a series of relationships between the characters in the book, so that the whole book shares the same cast. Even the bits of non-consensual/bondage acts are light in comparison to other titles, and characters involved are emotionally distraught at the time and apologize afterwards. Like I said, in comparison to other titles, this is a font of neo-Puritan morals.
Now, so you don't think I have gone all mushy, this is still a porn title, so believable plots, well-drawn characters and women who are not contortionists are notably absent. But aside from that, this is a title that doesn't make me want to scrub my brain afterwards. You have to take your victories (and three star ratings) where you can, in porn.
Council of Carnality Unlimited is available from Right Stuf, Intl., an online retailer specializing in anime and manga.
- Ferdinand
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